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Why We Feel Bad For The Supreme Court? The Arnab Goswami Case


Do you guys remember the date12th of January 2018? Yes, the same day when 4 Supreme Court Justices did a Press Conference and informed the country that the way the Supreme Court is being run has put the democracy of the country in danger! it seems that they were right. Now you will ask me What is all the fuss about? The Chief Justice hasn't put out a notice against the government! and neither has any Judge hold up a press conference! No, but the bail of Arnab Goswami is putting up various big questions as if the supreme court really an independent body or not, or is this right to speech or freedom of speech only booked for a single person. Today we'll tell you the reasons given by the Chief justice Chandrachud for granting the bail and yourself can decide if they have any logical meaning or not.

Reason number 1 - Justice Chandrachud said that if you don't like a channel as in Republic Tv then don't watch it

Ok, like seriously man not even a class 5 kid would not agree to it cause if this is the reason then this should be applied on everyone in this country like if you don't like Prashant Bhushan's tweet then just don't read it, if you don't like Padmavat then don't watch it, if you don't like inter-caste marriages then just don't attend it, if you don't like a tv commercial then don't watch it, if you don't like the speeches of Kanhaiya Kumar, Mehbooba Mufti or any other extremist then don't listen to them too, If minorities are excelling in UPSC then don't make a show called UPSC Jihaad, if you are suffering from the Air pollution in Delhi then just don't breathe. Grow up guys you don't even know how to make fool of others.

Reason number 2 Supreme Court said that if State governments target an individual then they must realize that there is an apex court to protect the liberty of the Citizens 

Now everybody will think that the Court must have said this for Arnab! But no now this has become a precedent. Now if this precedence is implemented in all the cases then State Governments will have to clarify why they are targeting an individual and if we had this observation of the Supreme court earlier then it would not have taken 70 days for a Pregnant women Safoora Zargar (a research scholar from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) university) to get bail and what she did was only organized a protest. Now since the Supreme Court has clarified this, Siddique Kappan, a journalist who is being jailed on terror charges would soon be released. He was arrested while he was going to cover the Hathras Case but now since the Supreme Court has cleared the stance on citizens and targeting he will definitely get a bail now! 

Reason number 3-Justice Chandrachud said "If we don't intervene in this case today we will walk the path of destruction" 

An apt statement from the apex court which means that at any place where the law is being broken, Supreme Court can intervene. This means that if at any place where Politicians are being bribed, students beaten up brutally, minorities targeted, child being cremated at night then SC will interfere  SC will intervene in that matter 

Reason number 4-Justice Chandrachud said, "If we as a Constitutional Court do not lay down the law and protect liberty then who will?"

Wow now, this is something new and also it feels good to hear the word liberty as it has vanished from our dictionaries. With the help of Arnab, Justice Chandrachud is pointing out to that system that silences the voices that raises it's voice against them. Now with this judgement Supreme Court has said that without any case, not granting bail system cannot take away the freedom of citizens for months and years! After this now Sudha Bharadwaj, Vara Vara Rao, Varnan Gonsalves, Anand Teltumbde, Gautam Navlakaha will get a bail now for sure. I do agree that these are not well-connected people or Millionaires but they too are the citizens of India and now the Supreme Court has also cleared it. 

Reason number 5-Justice Chandrachud has clearly hinted that Section 306, abetment to suicide needs actual incitement 

Arnab spent months on the demand to Arrest Rhea. In that case, there was no incitement nor any cause and neither a letter now after this damnation the witch hunt against Rhea on Republic and other news channels will now completely stop and the anchors will also understand the meaning of legal procedures. 


Personally, I really feel bad for the Supreme Court cause in our country even they are not independent and we have seen this in previous many cases we have seen this. I don't know till when this thing will go on cause whenever BJP needs to clarify themselves they pass the case to Supreme court and as always the Apex court passes that in their favour take the example of Rafale deal case and if you anytime question the Supreme Court then it means you are not a good citizen. 


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