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For Those Who Think What Happened With Arnab Is Against Freedom Of Speech?

Before starting the Article I would like you all to definitely read the article till the end if you seriously think that what's happening with Arnab Goswami is against  'Freedom Of Speech'. I bet you'll be amazed after knowing that this is not the first time that is happening in the country, because various other journalists have also faced the same problem which Arnab is facing today, Let's start


credits:the indian express

Mumbai Police and Arnab Goswami have been locking horns from a long time and now Mumbai Police has arrested Mr Goswami. Arnab has even accused Mumbai Police of assaulting him People believe that Mumbai Police is settling accounts with Arnab.

Arnab has been arrested because he is a miser. Mumbai police alleged that Arnab refused to pay Anvay Naik in 2018, Arnab owed him Rs. 84 lakhs. As a result, Anvay committed suicide, naming Goswami in his suicide note, now Maharastra Govt. has reopened the case and now Arnab is also being investigated in TRP fraud, Republic TV is also charged with rebellion against Mumbai police.


credits:the conversation

Today people are talking about freedom of speech and free press. Editor's Guild has condemned the incident. Ministers are claiming this is as another emergency, BJP supporters are also speaking out for Arnab. So, we at Day Light Media thought that this is the right time to speak about other jailed journalists to, about whom the paid media won't tell you. Maybe people will realize that freedom of speech is not reserved for one person?

Whatever happening with Arnab Goswami is a clear cut case of 'witch hunt', but this is nothing new for the Indian Journalism, other journalists have faced a similar witch hunt in the past too. Let's look at some of the similar witch-hunts of journalists-

1)Pawan Kumar Jaiswal

Journalist Pawan Jaiswal showed children eating salt-roti in their mid-day meal in UP and for that, he was awarded an FIR from the state BJP Govt.

2)Siddiqui Kaplan

Siddiqui Kaplan was charged with UAPA by the BJP government on his way to Hathras only because he wanted to show us the truth of Hatras Case.
No one remembers Hathras anymore and Siddiqui is still behind the bars. 

3)Andrew Sam Raja Pandian

Andrew reported on the shortage of PPE kits in Coimbatore which was a fact at that time, but Andrew was arrested for publishing his report. Pandian was questioned and later arrested under Sections 188 (disobedience to order promulgated by public servant), and 505 (i) (statement conducing public mischief) of the IPC and Section 3 of the Epidemic Diseases Act.

4) 55 Journalists have been arrested for reporting on COVID-19. Journalists are jailed or charged for doing their job 

5) Kishor Chandra 

Kishor Chandra was charged with NSA after he made a few videos against the BJP Govt. He spent many months in prison.

6) Vinod Dua

Senior Journalist Vinod Dua is facing investigation for alleged sedition. HW news was raided by Income Tax department thereafter. 

7) Ratan Singh was shot dead in Ballia Vikram Patel was shot in front of his daughter Chandan Tiwari was lynched in Jharkhand And we all know what happened with Gauri Lankesh


So I hope that these much examples are enough for you to understand what is happening with Arnab is nothing new in this country and it's not just the Mumbai government who has done this even BJP is far more ahead in this.

credits: rsf.org

India ranks at 142 out of 180 countries in Freedom of Press Index. So please save some of your outrages for these journalists too cause Arnab will definitely get justice from BJP but small journalists will keep facing the consequences. 


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