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Twitter War Between Diljit And Kangana: All Tweet's Explained


There's a saying in English "Never wrestle with a pig ...You both get dirty and the pig likes it"
We make use of this strategy to combat anonymous trolls. We ignore them like they don't exist and that's quite an insult right? and the pigs hate it! However, there are some trolls, that take advantage of one's quietness. They discharge sh*t on the internet on a daily basis. Things get even worse when these trolls attract a large following, plus when they have Govt's full support. Then another wise proverb comes into play: "Sometimes you have to get down and wrestle with the pig, show the pig its place and have a nice hot bath."

A somewhat similar was done by Punjabi singer/actor Diljit Dosanjh...When Kangana Ranaut decided to spew non-sense against the Farmers Protest. Well, because, she owes it to the Govt for they had provided her security, you see. Queen Kangana started discrediting the Farmers Protest on Twitter. However, she forgot that this wasn't the routine TV audience, Who'd nod in agreement to whatever she'd had to say. Especially, this tweet, In which she disrespects an elderly protestor, saying: "This dadi is available for 100 Rs." Three mistakes in one tweet: First, that wasn't the Shaheen Bagh Dadi as Kangana had claimed. Second, she assumes that anyone protesting against the Govt must be paid somehow or the other. Third, and her biggest mistake, taking a shot at the Punjabis. 



Diljit Dosanjh, who had been a strong support to Farmers, wrote a reply, saying:(Diljit's Tweet) "For us, our mothers are God-like... ..Who-so-ever disrespects her is not worthy of our respect... ..reply to this and don't you run Kangana... ..This seems enough for the day.. ..When you need more, do let me know.. ..Punjabis are ever-ready." The video along clearly exposed all of Kangana's lies, As to how she was trying to link the Farmers Protest to Shaheen Bagh protest. At this point, a clever person may stay mum or apologize.

But Kangana being Kangana exploded on Diljit like a volcano! (Kangana's tweet)She said: "You Karan Johar's pet... ..the same Dadi who'd protested at Shaheen Bagh.. ..also was present at the Farmers protest.. I haven no idea who Mahinder Kaur is.. ..What's with the drama? Stop this right now!" Look who's talking about drama; Kangana herself; oh, the irony. A Bollywood star in this scenario wouldn't respond.

But Diljit knew that Kangana was just beating around the bush.. He went on: Diljit's tweet"Are you a pet of everyone you've worked with?.. ..By that logic, you must have plenty of owners.. ..This ain't Bollywood, This is Punjab, Thunder in their chest.. ..Nobody knows lying better than you; You play with people's gullibility." Dosanjh said in public what everybody had known since very long.

Since he had got on to Kangana's nerves, she resorted to what she knew best. (kangana's tweet)She said: "You lackey, I beat the hell out of those whose asses you lick daily.. ..I am Kangana Ranaut not a footman such as you who lies.. ..I had commented only on the Shaheen Bagh protestor.. ..If anyone can prove otherwise I will apologize." She was clearly lying. Trying to divert the whole issue towards Bollywood or Shaheen Bagh. A desperate attempt to link the two protests, perhaps this time she wasn't trained adequately by the IT cell.

Diljit did not stop either. (diljit's tweet) "I have never!.. ..How many asses have you licked for work?!.. ..I don't struggle in Bollywood madam.. ..Bollywood people reach out to me instead.. ..I repeat, this ain't no Bollywood, this is Punjab (you're messing with).. ..Know exactly how to tackle you!"

At this point, Kangana must be losing it. Furthermore, nobody had ever exposed her like that, the way a Punjabi Superstar did! Why couldn't Bollywood confront Kangana like this? Diljit showed how easy it was! Had Bollywood challenged Kangana before, Diljit wouldn't have had to stoop to her level. He added further:(diljit's tweet) "you have no manners?.. ..How could you say against someone's mother or sister?.. ..Despite being a woman yourself.. ..For us Punjabis, Mothers are Godly.. ..You have any idea who you're messing with.. ..Google my Punjabi." The snake went seeking inside the beehive, oh, what a line! But Diljit wasn't just done yet. He tweeted again. "How silly of you?.. ..I'm not scared of your Bollywood.." Surely, Kangana must have felt defeated by then. Unlike Bollywood, Diljit was not going to go away quietly.

Therefore, she launched another twitter attack. (By the way, what's her obsession with Karan Johar) She says: (Kangana's tweet)"I wholly understand Punjabi.. ..But have you no shame defending those who caused the riots in Delhi?.. ..Oh wait, you have none of it, we all know how Karan Johar gives you work." Diljit be like, how stupid could she get!? (Totally trying to distract from Farmers' issue. Never forgets KJo!)

Diljit did not give up. He says: (diljit's tweet)"Why d'you keep changing the topic?.. ..Are you out of your mind?.. ..Just answer, don't distract.. ..Our mother-like figure whom you accuse of selling out for 100 Rs.. ..She's more than enough to tackle heroines like you." This was not the end of their online conversation.

Kangana tries to distract over and over again: terrorism, Pakistan, tukde-tukde, aliens, etc. Diljit brings her back to the Farmers' issue. At last, Kangana settles to: "No matter who's right or not.." Oh ho, at least there's that scope, who knew?! She adds: "Only the country must be right.. ..you guys are misleading the farmers.. ..I'm worried.." (Hope she stays well) I'm disapointed by these continuous protests.. ..angered by these riots, blood-sheding.. ..you all are part of this, remember that!" Any ordinary person would've given in but not Diljit.

By his incoming reply, he has shown us how not to get distracted by any emotional argument. He says: "Does this mother (pic) look like that to you?.. By his incoming reply, he has shown us how not to get distracted by any emotional argument. He says: (diljit's tweet)"Does this mother (pic) look like that to you?.. ..Why bring in Khoon-Kharaba everytime; that what you want?.." (Not bad, what's her agenda anyway?) ..The mother is our God.. ..Nobody taught you it clearly.. ..This Punjabi will show you how to treat the elderly."



Ultimately, Kangana realized her efforts were futile. So she ran back seeking support from the IT cell. At least that's what's known from the sources, the news is that the IT cell has agreed. Cyber warriors on their way, Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh is going to be their new target!(sarcasm). Perhaps, very soon, you may see news, debates or exposes on Diljit. He's more than capable of dealing with it but, will Bollywood awaken from sleep now? Even Diljit told Kangana: "You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm no Bollywood!"

Actors Swara, Taapsee, Richa and Directors Anubhav, Anurag do speak up, yes but, otherwise there's only silence (which Kangana likes a lot). That is why Diljit has won all our hearts, he has shown how to cure poison with medicine, although bitter in taste. Not the end though, the online poison still remains.  Her public image has taken a hit but Kangana won't stop, you will see! After all, she attracts a large following, but she will think twice before tweeting. In the end, it's important for you to understand the "discrediting" game. If you think farmers are wrong to protest, if you disagree with their MSP demand. Congratulations, forget anti-national, more than that, you're blind! 

Abhishek Rawat

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