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After Students,Activists And Opposition. Now BJP Standing Against Farmers Too?


The farmers are finally allowed to protest in the national capital and this is why it is such an important day here. But it is also very important to know that now that farmers have finally been allowed after so much of pleading and so much of agitation, What do we learn from that? It is essential to tell you


According to BJP supporters these anti-national people- that's all they do- raise questions and protest. Firstly it was the students, the opposition leaders were anyway Pakistan lovers and now, these farmers are also protesting. 
But there is a very simple reason behind their protests- the government has introduced and passed a very controversial bill in the Parliament. There are various segments of it which have been explained in the previous article, but straightforwardly these bills encourage privatization in the farm sector and encourage the mega corporates to come straight to the farming sector and then buy produce from the farmers at low prices. The farmers have just one main demand: They want to be assured that they will be given the Minimum Support Price like earlier That is- a minimum price would be set and if they are denied that, then the government would buy from them at a set price. The government has not guaranteed that, there is no mention about that even in the bill. 


After protested for months, the government finally allowed them to come and protest in the national capital. Be it the farmers, the students, the doctors or even the media. The opinion of anyone who questions the government or insults it- is not paid heed to and they are met with indifference. So, the first thing we have to see is whether their opinion is taken into account or not. The farmers say they have come prepared to stage protests for a couple of months and the government has asked them to sit in Burari and whether or not they will communicate with them is still uncertain. So, this continuous trend of labelling anyone who questions the government as "Anti- National" has now been extended to include even the farmers. They've now become the "anti- national force" and attempts are being made to paint them in this light.




Their role is far more concerning and alarming than the behaviour of the government, first of all- The farmers that have arrived from Punjab are 31 farmer organizations. No political party as such is involved. But, even more startling than that was the role of the media over the past few days. Now, we do know that media has been explaining us the concepts of Rhea-Sushant relationship, tukde tukde gang, the award-wapsi gang, the anti-nationals etc.etc.

Whosoever raises their questions, the media is in its role of a puppet. But what we never imagined was them giving out the same treatment to the farmers and not sparing even them. So the fake media began by saying that the farmers were being politically incited and that they were being misguided and that there were Khalistani elements who were a part of all this. The media did not spare them.


The Delhi Police even asked permission from the Aam Aadmi Party government which is ruling Delhi to convert stadiums into temporary jails since stadiums come under the jurisdiction of the Delhi government but thankfully, Arvind Kejriwal government told them too shoo and denied them the right to convert our stadiums into jails. But the preparations were on a full swing and this is the respect that is being shown to our farmers that it was planned to convert stadiums into jails and imprison them.



If you haven't been able to understand this formula till today then you are indeed blind. Anytime, anyone has raised a question against the government, a discredited element comes into the picture. When students raise questions then they become tukde tukde gang and Afzal lovers. When bankers raise questions then they become political elements. When doctors raise questions then we do shower them with flowers but do not pay their salaries. Opposition raising questions become China lovers. Academicians raising questions become urban naxals. So, this is the trend that is being continued.

It has become predictable now. So, where to find something from, misguided farmers is fine but how to discredit them? How to ruin their reputation? Label them Khalistani elements! Forget about Pakistan and London, the Khalistani movement is not even active in Punjab even. But it is being made out to be Khalistani elements who want to come to Delhi. This is the narrative that is being built, look what is true and how much of it is a lie doesn’t matter, Stream some bulletins on prime time, place some puppet anchors and then make it trend! and this is exactly what has happened. But unfortunately, they forgot that even in today’s time, both farmer and soldier are respected a lot.


Why are the farmers of Punjab especially irked by this? Why are they becoming more anti-national? 
That is because the MSP was not maintained by most of the state governments due to paucity of funds. But, the farmers in Punjab did avail the MSP and hence they will be the most affected The reason is quite simple- They want assurance of MSP and want a control to be exercised over privatization.


You are using tear gas shells on farmers. Tear gas shelling on farmers is all the more ironic because these poor fellows are left with tears only. In today's time, what do farmers really have? Farmers who die at the rate of 28-30 deaths per day...That's right! Almost 30 people who commit suicide are related to farming. This is the situation of farming in India today, our government had promised three years ago that by 2022 farmer's income will be doubled. The farmers are so happy because of it that they were coming to the national capital to celebrate for which you threw a water party cannon on them too. So, it is a matter of great despair that we are unable to understand farmer agitation. Farmer agitation too is being made out to be political agitation and Khalistani agitation. 

Also, a new word for the dictionary of BJP was seen. "MISGUIDED" "Who incited the farmers? Who misguided them? Who sent them to Delhi and why? What is the politics behind this?" "Are political motivations driving the farmers' resistance?" "There is clear and open violence. And there is clear and open political instigation"- The media is truly incredible! They will not even spare their own relatives for the sake of some money! But the media narrative worth crores failed because this is the digital age. And our farmers from Punjab are extremely sharp themselves. They too, made videos of their own and one of them went viral which showed who was feeding the police despite the blows and the lathi charge and the tear gas shelling. It was our very own farmers!


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