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Presidential debate, Brexit and Chess news: Daily Updates

u.s town hall debates, an update on Brexit and a chess crisis this is your daylight media house daily briefing for today.



Last night was meant to be the second presidential debate between former vice president Joe Biden and President Trump. However, following the move to a virtual debate the president refuse
d to take part instead both candidates took part in separate town halls. Both leaders were asked several difficult questions one notable part of trump's town hall was a question he was asked on the q a non-conspiracy theory although the moderator explained what the theory was to him, Trump refused to denounce them or what they believe Biden was also asked a tough question instead however on court-packing like trump he also refused to outright deny this, Biden claimed he would have a look at the circumstances he did promise however that his position would be outlined before the election whether the candidate's refusal to answer these questions will affect their poll numbers is anyone's guess.


credits: belfasttelegraph

In UK's news today there's been significant developments on the seemingly unending news story that is Brexit with the EU summit taking place this week UK EU negotiations were set to intensify however in a statement today the prime minister has suggested that people should begin to prepare for a deal more similar to Australia than Canada's if the prime minister is suggesting that the finalized deal will be similar to the Australian deal then the country should prepare for a deal more similar to that of a no-deal. An Australian deal means that the country would trade with the EU largely on world trade organization terms, the potential positives of this though are that the UK would no longer be bound to the EU on things such as regulation or immigration nor would the UK have to contribute to the EU budget despite the prime minister's statement though no agreement has yet been finalized. 


credits: the indian express

Today we'll discuss chess, yes that ancient game of skill foresight and mental agility well it should be at least the world has gone into lockdown and people have had to adapt their work and socialize to ensure that they are covered compliant chess is no different while tournaments used to take place physically this is changed to be replaced by online tournaments. Luckily for chess players this is no issue and virtual chess games are not a new thing however while virtual games may be suitable for a game between me and my competitor the platform is open to be manipulated by cheats and this is exactly what's happened in the elite circles of the chess world, in fact in one particular chess tournament five out of the six contestants were disqualified for cheating, websites have also banned far more accounts than normal during the pandemic due to cheating. In fact, this new increase in computer doping in the sport has led to a culture of fear, this makes sense considering that if you lose there is now a greatly increased likelihood that the opponent may have been using illicit means to gain their upper hand on you let's hope that cheetah detecting software improves so that virtual chess can adequately replace the real game for the duration of the pandemic, after all, no one likes losing especially not to achieve. 

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