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Is India Really Independent?

                            Independence Day in India in 2020 | Office Holidays


15th August 2020 Our 74th Independence day. So far we have proved the British wrong neither did the country get sold off nor has it disintegrated. Today, 70 years later, India is an emerging superpower but even today, despite so many years, there are some things that we still need freedom from and I am not talking about poverty, hunger, corruption. We have been studying these chapters for so long that even the book is in bad shape now. This time around, we are talking about some new chapters maybe if we study them in time, we might be able to pass in them, the country would be able to progress only when we can free ourselves from these things 


We are already in distress due to the corona pandemic but there's another pandemic that is more dangerous and more lethal for our country. Very recently, this lethal virus even led to the death of the Congress Spokesperson, Rajiv Tyagi I am obviously talking about the paid media. No matter what the situations are in the country or what crisis the country is going through but the paid media is busy preparing its own dish. The first in the list of ingredients is a sensational headline next comes a running headline on the screen which is similar to a class 1 poem over it, suspenseful and thrilling music is played. Next, add our "special ingredient"- China or Pakistan "And finally, an anchor screaming his head off (Arnab Goswami) There- your recipe of "destroying the country" is complete. As long as these media channels don't stop favouritism it is difficult for us to become a superpower

Freedom number 2- Fake News And Whatsapp Forwards

Not only paid journalism, but we also need freedom from the fake news pandemic- immediately! No matter what the subject is-  the election votes, the attack in Pulwama or the Citizenship Amendment act, or Ram Mandir in UP or even the cure for COVID19 You will get fake news on every subject no matter which variety you ask for. It's almost like the chor bazaar- you get whatever you ask for.
The Fake news course is being taught on WhatsApp University Sometimes, a PhD is being pursued on goats not wearing masks and sometimes, a master is being pursued on "cow dung the cure of everything" And if that wasn't enough, we are now being taught a complete course on space as well. 

Point number 3- Freedom from intolerance

As time goes on our bodies are evolving, an additional element has been added- the element of intolerance. No matter how much people argue in public, we never give a shit about it But if someone is caught indulging in the public display of affection and then if he tries to justify it by saying that it's okay, it's fine... then people *beats the shit out of them* and it is not just on issues of love, we have suddenly become intolerant regarding several things.
Nowadays our niceness is directly proportional to the length of the dress of the girl and talking about females, We get irate over the jokes of a female comedian sometimes and sometimes, we get immensely upset over the filmmakers changing the history like we saw in the time Padmavat release and if someone dares to tell us to wear a mask during this corona pandemic, then the demon inside of us comes alive! In short, if someone ever places a counter opinion in opposition to our opinion, then our first response is somewhat like- "Be silent.. or else I will become violent." But this year, on Independence day, maybe we should listen to Gandhiji. We should ourselves try and be silent so that there's less of violence.

Point number 4- freedom from nepotism "Parivarwaad"

What's sad is that the age-old tradition of father-son can be found in various parts of Indian society. The film industry, politics, and even the judiciary Kangana Ji regularly cover the angle of the film industry, so we have covered the politics angle here. By now, we have understood how widespread this problem is our next step should be to make an effort to remove the nepotism trend from India. You can raise your voice against it you can remove the political dynasty from power and we can go watch the movies that do not over feature the non-deserving star kids.

Point number 5- The freedom of privacy!

The concept of "privacy" is extremely difficult to explain in India everyone has to know everything. People in India are so free that they wanna put their nose into everything, without even trying and if we don't sprinkle the seasoning of "gossip about others" our dinner remains incomplete. Ex- The neighbouring aunties want to know when you are about to get married, Your parents want to read your messages, Your girlfriend/boyfriend wants the passwords of your social media handles like what the heck. One small life... and such massive surveillance! We know that the population is immensely large, but it is important to give some space

Point number 6- The freedom for our environment 

Jokes apart the most serious problem is here. We can make it our life's purpose to know what is happening in each other's lives But if the life-giving environment is in danger then it makes no difference to us. We might not win the world but we are champions in the field of pollution as in the list of "Top 10 most polluted cities in the world" top 6 is ours. But we still do not mend our ways. We put crowns of rubbish on the roads almost as if they are our father's property and water The scarcity of water is almost as bad as the scarcity of common sense in India. But even then, we waste it so extravagantly just like engineering students waste their time for a degree(sorry for this). And the killing of animals is like a normal thing for us. The children of Delhi NCR wear masks while going to school due to pollution but we still don't take that seriously.

We secured independence in 1947 And it's not like we have not achieved anything as a country after independence. We have made our way to moon and Mars but despite these achievements, we're still trapped in social and political loopholes that have enslaved us and when we do have the freedom to free ourselves from these things, then why are we not doing this? Do tells us what you think about this in the comment section.

Happy Independence Day


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