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How And Why BJP Government Is Trying To Control The Bollywood Industry?

You wouldn't believe but the Bollywood and we are very similar and the biggest similarity is the - "What-difference-does-it-make-to-us" factor which means As long as our days are going well, it hardly matters if others are suffering or not. As we all know that Bollywood hardly cares about what's happening in the nation and this is also because if you say anything against the government you can be booked under UAPA any day but still, some out of them dare to say that there is an atmosphere of fear and that is pervasive, but mostly Bollywood remains a deaf ear and maintains a stony silence.
Then, somebody was crowned as the "drug queen" due to petty politics- Another stony silence followed And now, accusations are cast on Bollywood for drug use on a daily basis, but the stony silence remains the same  

Poor Bollywood! Far away from Delhi, it was already tossing in the difficulties of Mumbai's nepotism, sexism and sub-standard talent. Now, it is being pushed into the national spotlight after being branded as the drug mafia. But Why? And who is doing this? Today, in this article of Day Light Media, we will tell you why after opposition, media, students, farmers and activists, now it is the turn of Bollywood to come under the control of BJP


First of all, let us clear this point of drug abuse, taking into the perspective of the tradition and the scientific benefits as well as the statistics, weed(ganja) and marijuana(charas) should not be illegal, it should be regulated but it shouldn't be illegal. And I'm not saying this! Take a look at the government figures- According to a Union Social Justice Ministry Report of 2019, 1.3 crore people use cannabis in the form of ganja and charas Are you going to put 1.3 crore people behind bars? To the 1.3 crores, add another 2.2 crore people who use cannabis in the form of bhaang which is not illegal. It was Rajiv Gandhi's who about 35 years ago got succumbed to American pressure and banned them. 

Wait a minute, who gives out a punishment of 20 years for ganja? If the Narcotics Control Bureau strictly imposes this law then the college hostels would become empty (owing to the massive number of people who'd get arrested). But if you're in a hostel right now, fear not! because the Narcotics Control Bureau right now is presently focussed upon Rhea Chakravarty who allegedly had 59 grams of ganja with her. 


credits:job vacancy

Secondly- all these female actresses that are being called in for questioning which raises another question- why only female actresses? Are they the witches who trick innocent heroes into the web of the illusion of drugs? Tell me something! If I make an article in this manner with headlines like "the witch heroine" or "the enchantress", then you're going to share it, right? 

But jokes apart what I think is that these actresses are just been used as easy and soft targets as such targets are difficult to lay hands on and now an easy target has been spotted and it is not every day that you come across an easy target like this. 


Our economy lies in shambles. Furthermore, the lockdown has further afflicted the people, Students trend abuses on Twitter daily, The farmers are out on the streets, Nearly 1 lakh people have died of corona and to top it all, China has been making matters worse on our borders. So, nothing is well but it is very important to divert the questions of people somewhere else and this is called "Chanakya niti", my friends! a.k.a Masterstroke. Then, this masterstroke was put into action- the death of a superstar under mysterious circumstances kept people glued to this case for 100 days and after 100 days, even a dumb party would have understood that the time to make Bollywood a target was ready. 


To make this politics of populism successful, it is essential to have a villain as always for BJP just like in Bollywood movies. Over the past few years, the first villain of the politics of populism became the Nehru Gandhi family, They were accused of keeping the country enslaved for 70 years, laundering money to Italy, corruption, incompetence etc etc and this strategy ensured both the seat of power and control.

Next, it was the turn of students- Ask any politician and he will tell you how dangerous is the agitation of the students is, be it the example of Gujarat Nav Nirman Movement, emergency or the Mandal Commission the students can shake the government down to its core. Therefore, it becomes very important to control them. So the focus was shifted to the "tukde tukde gang

Raising of questions was banned, Protesting became anti-national and Institutions like JNU were discredited. Some people did raise their voices for the students and for the Constitution, Some intellectuals did come forward and questioned the direction the country was headed in. They wrote open letters and returned their awards and got branded as the "award wapsi gang", They were forced and had to endure a lot of insults. Those that did not fall into line despite all of this were slapped with different cases on them.



If you have understood the chronology by now, it will now become easier for you to comprehend that anyone who can challenge the government, raise questions and is influential should not be left worthy enough to challenge the government, like what they did with the media and now it's the turn of the Bollywood and as we know even today, movie industry stars enjoy a lot of public attraction and If they start speaking up, people would listen and adhere to their views like what we saw during the CAA protests. So, they need to be tamed as well.

                                                                      credits: India today

 Now it is up to you to spot the conspiracy or the logic in this cause it does not make any sense that why is Bollywood more important than unemployment for BJP? Probably, the people are also aware that this is nothing but a witch hunt. But then, who does not like drama? Who is the tantrik? Who is doing black magic? Who is being questioned for how long? Both you and I are going to watch that And this drama is made easier by Bollywood itself which is so extremely broken and is so intimidated that it is not able to see that its reputation will be discredited just like JNU's. I am not saying that there's nobody who's not saying anything, There are directors and actors who are speaking up and abuses are being hurled at them on a full scale. 

credits:The Indian Express

Now, think about it- why are the people who are protesting or raining questions being abused? There is no need to stand up for Bollywood (if you don't wish to) But it is your duty and mine to be aware about the legitimate questions being raised by those who are speaking up and try and understand what they are saying or else... after the media, opposition, activists, now it is time for Bollywood to face the heat of BJP. This was a small article to make you understand the chronology that this attack on Bollywood is not sudden, it is a well-planned thing-  it' an action to discredit any institution which is capable of raising questions or is very influential. 

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Abhishek Rawat

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