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Why Is BJP Trying To Close The Hathras Rape Case? Everything Explained


If you remember the horrendous Nirbhaya incident happened around 8 years ago which outraged the people so much that they came out on the streets to protest, candle marches were organized to India Gate. The opposition leaders back then raised their voices, protested and demanded justice. The family of Nirbhaya were persistent in their demand for justice and Nirbhaya finally got it after 8 long years. Imagine, if in the case of Nirbhaya, India Gate was blocked the public was prevented from protesting and the opposition politicians that wanted to protest and raise their voices, were arrested. Not only this- Imagine if, in the case of Nirbhaya, the body was disposed of as quickly as possible, and cremated so that if there was a call for the second round of postmortem no one would be able to say anything. Along with this, imagine if in the case of Nirbhaya her family was threatened and blackmailed to change their statement that their girl was not raped and it was a case of murder due to family disputes And then the entire government system tries to prove that the news of rape was fake. Online trolls were let loose on social media to establish that the rape was fake news and a PR agency is hired.

screenshot of the mail spread by the PR agency hired by BJP


The job of the PR agency was to set an online narrative that the rape was fake and that this is all a ploy of the opposition. But nothing like this happened but rather then this Nirbhaya's body was sent abroad for further treatment and when the body came back PM Manmohan Singh along with Sonia Gandhi were at the airport to collect the body. I am saying that Congress has done something great for the women and for the rape victims but the least you can do is to show you sympathy for the incident which we didn't see in this case, none of the PM or CM met the family of the victim which is the worst thing you can do when such a big incident happened under your governance. The only demand we have today is for the Women safety act or changes under the law for a crime against women. 


BJP turned the whole rape incident into a Bollywood film and even the Bollywood writers cannot come up with such a story, But this is exactly what is what happened in the Hathras case of Uttar Pradesh. It is unique because I don't think there has ever been a rape/murder case in our country wherein any government so desperate to cover it up. Every day more than 80 rape cases are happening in the country but we have never seen this much government involvement in any case. The police is almost working like paid goons where the opposition leaders are being treated like hell, the public is barred from protesting and the media is not allowed and the family is tortured to such an extent and made to go through such circumstances. I don't think such a case has ever been witnessed in our country On 14th September, a 19-year-old girl was raped, I will not repeat exactly what had happened cause you might already be aware of this. 


Right from the start, police and other BJP leaders on social media claimed that it was not a case of rape even when her mother was giving contradictory statements. On 29th September, the victim succumbed to her injuries in the hospital As this news spread, the enraged people began protesting and demanding justice. The family requested to let them take her body home but the police did not concede, despite hours of pleading the police did not relent and the same night at around 2:30 A.M, the police cremated the body. What does that indicate? The police claim that this was done with the permission of the family and the family was in agreement with this and the government trolls on the social media spread the same news on the social media that the family was in agreement but the ground reports of that night narrate a different story altogether. There are a lot of videos posted by Tanushree Pandey proving that the police did not listen to the family and lit the fire without their consent. Why could have this been done? What do you think? What would strike your mind when you hear that the body was cremated hurriedly? According to journalist Tanushree Pandey, who was on the ground that night, the police locked the family inside the house at 2:30 A.M and around a hundred police officers surrounded the place. It was also clear that the media persons were not allowed near the body and the police refused to answer to anything. There are many such minute details where the UP police say something and the family claim something contradictory. In one instance the family claims that her backbone was broken but the police denied that. Nobody knows that what was the need to cremate the body at 2:30 in the night? I can reach only one conclusion- The police did not want any further examination to be conducted on the body which could spill the beans and divulge that this was a case of rape because the police are completely denying that this is a case of rape. When pressure mounted on social media, the Uttar Pradesh govt constituted a Special Investigation Team for further investigation. 


The next day, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi declared that they would go to Hathras a form of protest, but the police stopped them on the Noida expressway and stopped them from going any further. A scuffle broke out and Rahul Gandhi was even pushed to the ground. This is a very shocking incident- Not because Rahul Gandhi is finally out on the streets to protest but because it causes us to wonder if this is how the opposition is treated, what would be the plight of the common man! Rahul Gandhi had even offered to walk alone if the entire crowd would not be allowed to walk to Hathras but the police denied even that and physically blocked him. 

credits: liveindia.tv

The same day, some shocking things happened The Hathras DM (District Magistrate) was caught on camera talking to the victim's family and saying that they could change their statement if they wanted to. Section 144 has been imposed in Hathras and the entire village has been sealed so that the media is not able to go and meet the family while on the other hand, the family is being blackmailed. By chance, the brother of the victim escaped stealthily and reached the media persons and told them how they were being tortured by the police. 


You can see the attempts being made to what extent to sweep things under the carpet and conceal the truth. All limits were crossed when it surfaced that a PR agency was hired to spread the lie and set the narrative that there was no case of a rape, Several journalists, publicly exposed on the social media the emails being sent to them by the PR agency telling them to spread the news that the forensic investigation agencies have ruled out the case of rape. According to latest reports, the mobile phones of the victim's family have been seized by the Uttar Pradesh police and the phones of the media outside are being tapped to monitor what they are talking and some of their phones have also been seized. You can imagine the kind of "politics" is in Uttar Pradesh. On the face of it, the DM has been suspended according to the latest action by the Uttar Pradesh government but we know that it happened just because of the video which went viral 

So why is BJP trying to hide the case? One of of the reasons is that the rapists belong to some upper caste which I won't name and Secondly, one reason can be that this is being done for media management- to maintain the image that the CM of Uttar Pradesh. 


Now some of you must be thinking that I am someone from the opposition party who is trying to put the image of BJP down so let me clear this. First of all, I am not blaming the government for the rape, Rape cases are very common in our country now but what the government is doing is very uncommon. I am just having few questions if you anyone can answer them wisely with proofs then I swear I will remove this article. So now it's up to you how much do you love and support BJP.

Question 1) A valid reason for imposing Article-144 in the village?
Question2) Why BJP hired the PR team?
Question3)Why are the mobile phones of the media and the family member being tapped?
Question4)Why was the body cremated in the middle of the night without the permission of the family member?
Question5) Why people are not being allowed to protest in the country?
Question6) Why Rahul Gandhi and other political parties being stopped to meet the family of the victim? 
Question7) Why is the media been stopped to reach the family members of the victim
Question 8)Why something like this never happened in the history of any other rape case?
Question9) When BJP is having a new law or act for every time-wasting thing then when will we see the Women protection act?


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