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India Vs China defense comparison: who's having the bigger foot

As we the all know the border tensions between India and China are at peak after the clash between military personnel at LAC, according to the intelligence India has already sent many troops and attack aircraft at the boarder after Prime minister's allowance as shown in the image

credit: Sputnik news

So let's compare the military of both the countries and let us see who is having the bigger foot in the war-


With a defence budget of $66.9 billions for the year 2020-21 (2.4 percent of the gdp 2019) India is ranked as the third country to spend maximum in the military expenditure in the world

Indian Army- The Indian army is ranked 2 int the world with an active personnel of 14,44,500.

TANKS- At present, the Indian army has severe deficiencies in its artillery (particularly self-propelled guns) and ammunition stocks, India proposes to progressively induct as many as 248 ArjunMBT and to develop and induct the Arjun MK-II variant, 1,657 Russian-origin T-90S main-battle tanks, apart from the ongoing upgrade of its T-72 fleet. Arjun MK-II trials had already begun in August 2013.The improved features of the MK-II version of Arjun are night vision capabilities with a thermal imaging system for detecting all kinds of missiles, Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA), mine ploughs, the ability to fire anti-tank missiles with its 120 mm main gun, an Advanced Air Defence gun capable of shooting down helicopters with a 360-degree coverage, Automatic Target Tracking (ATT) lending a greater accuracy when it comes to moving targets and superior Laser Warning and Control systems. The Indian Army will upgrade its entire Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty-2 (BMP-2)/2K infantry combat vehicle (ICV) fleet to enhance their ability to address operational requirements. Upgrades include integration of the latest generation fire control system, twin missile launchers and commander's thermal imaging panoramic sights, anti- tank guided missiles, as well as automatic grenade launchers (according to wikipedia) . In total India is having approx 6,000 attack tanks and 8,686 armoured vehicles in service

credit: zee news

In total india is having 235 self-propelled artillery, 4,060 towed artillery and approx 300 rocket projector in service.

credit: medium

INDIAN NAVY Naval Air Arm operates eight Tu-142 aircraft, which entered service in 1988. Upgrading of the aircraft is taking place, which helps to extend the service life of the aircraft by sixteen years. The BAE Sea Harrier operates from the INS Viraat. The BAE Sea Harrier FRS Mk.51 / T Mk.60 fly with the INAS 300 and INAS 552 squadrons of the Indian Navy. The Mikoyan MiG-29K will be deployed aboard INS Vikramaditya. The Indian Navy operates five Il-38 planes. They are being upgraded to use Sea Dragon suite. Used principally for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue roles, the helicopter fleet of Westland Sea King and the Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King operate from INS Garuda (Kochi) as well as INS Kunjali-II (Mumbai) air stations.[citation needed] 56 more naval utility helicopters are planned to be inducted from 2016. These will be used for surveillance, anti-submarine warfare, electronic intelligence gathering and search and rescue operations. The helicopters will be equipped with 70 mm rocket launchers, 12.7 mm guns, lightweight torpedoes and depth charges.[128] The Indian Navy will also continue to procure HAL Dhruv as a multi-role utility platform. In the long-range maritime reconnaissance (LRMR) role, the navy uses Boeing P-8I Neptune and has issued a global tender for nine medium-range maritime reconnaissance (MRMR) aircraft for coastal defence (wikipedia). In total Indian navy consist of 1 aircraft carrier, 17 destroyer, 13 Frigates, 22 corvettes,  presently there are 15 conventional submarines and 2 nuclear submarines with the navy.

credit: indian navy

INDIAN AIR FORCE- Historically, the IAF has generally relied on Soviet, British, Israeli and French military craft and technology to support its growth. IAF's primary air superiority fighter with the additional capability to conduct air-ground (strike) missions is Sukhoi Su-30MKI. The IAF have placed an order for a total of 272 Su-30MKIs of which 205 are in service as of May 2015. The Mikoyan MiG-29 is a dedicated air superiority fighter, and constitutes a second line of defence after the Sukhoi Su-30MKI. At present, 66 MiG-29s are in service, all of which are being upgraded to the MiG-29UPG standard. The Dassault Mirage 2000 is the primary multirole fighter in service and the IAF operates 49 Mirage 2000Hs which are being upgraded to the Mirage 2000-5 MK2 standard. As part of the upgrade, the aircraft will also be equipped with MBDA's MICA family of medium-range missiles. To give the IAF fighters an edge in anti-ship and land attack roles, a smaller version of BrahMos missile is being developed to be integrated in Sukhoi Su-30MKI[140] and is expected to be delivered to IAF by 2015. In the aerial refuelling (tanker) role, the IAF operates six Ilyushin Il-78MKIs. For strategic military transport operations the IAF uses the Ilyushin Il-76, and has placed orders for 10 Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, four of which were delivered by November 2013. The C-130J Super-Hercules planes of the IAF is used by special forces for combined Army-Air Force operations. There are six C-130Js in service and six more are planned to be procured. The Antonov An-32 serves as medium transport aircraft in the IAF. As an airborne early warning system, the IAF operates the Israeli EL/W-2090 Phalcon Airborne Early Warning and Control System AEW&C. A total of three such systems are in service, with possible orders for two more. The DRDO AEW&CS is a project of India's DRDO to develop an AEW&C system for the Indian Air Force. The DRDO AEWACS programme aims to deliver three radar-equipped surveillance aircraft to the Indian Air Force. The aircraft platform selected was the Embraer ERJ 145. Three ERJ 145 were procured from Embraer at a cost of US$300 Million, including the contracted modifications to the airframe. Probable delivery date for the first batch of three is 2015(wikipedia). In total India consists of 600 fighter jets, 5 AEWACS, 240 transport aircraft, 6 tankers and 473 helicopters

credit: scroll

*In addition India consists of 140-150 nuclear missiles with a maximum range of 5000 km of Agni 5 missile

*India consists of attack helicopters where as china do not have any of them


With a defence budget of $175 billions for the year 2020-21 (2 percent of the GDP 2019) India is ranked as the second country to spend maximum in the military expenditure in the world

Chinese Army- The Chinese army is ranked 1 in the world with an active personnel of 2,035,000

, about half of the PLA's total manpower of around 2 million.The ground forces are divided among the five theatre commands as named above. In times of crisis, the PLA Ground Force will be reinforced by numerous reserve and paramilitary units. The PLAGF reserve component has about 510,000 personnel divided into 30 infantry and 12 anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) divisions. In recent years two amphibious mechanised divisions were also established in Nanjing and Guangzhou MR. At least 40 percent of PLA divisions and brigades are now mechanised or armoured, almost double the percentage before 2015.

While much of the PLA Ground Force was being reduced over the past few years, technology-intensive elements such as special operations forces (SOF), army aviationsurface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and electronic warfare units have all been rapidly expanded. The latest operational doctrine of the PLA ground forces highlights the importance of information technology, electronic and information warfare, and long-range precision strikes in future warfare. The older generation telephone/radio-based command, control, and communications (C3) systems are being replaced by an integrated battlefield information networks featuring local/wide-area networks, satellite communicationsunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based surveillance and reconnaissance systems, and mobile command and control centres.

On 1 January 2016, as part of military reforms, China created for the first time a separate headquarters for the ground forces. China's ground forces have never had their own headquarters until now. Previously, the People's Liberation Army's Four General Departments served as the de facto army headquarters, functioning together as the equivalent of a joint staff, to which the navy, air force and the newly renamed Rocket Force would report (Peoples Liberation army ground force). Chinese army consists of 3,500 tanks.

credit: the national interest

Chinese Navy- The navy includes a 15,000 strong Marine Corps (organised into two brigades), a 26,000 strong Naval Aviation Force operating several hundred attack helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. As part of its overall programme of naval modernisation, the PLAN is in the stage of developing a blue water navy. In November 2012, then Party General Secretary Hu Jintao reported to the Chinese Communist Party 18th National Congress his desire to "enhance our capacity for exploiting marine resource and build China into a strong maritime power"(Peoples Liberation army ground force)In total Chinese navy consists of 2 aircraft carriers, 54 frigate, 35 destroyers, 68 submarines and 3 nuclear submarines at present

credit: defence connect

Chinese Air force-The 395,000 strong People's Liberation Army Air Force is organised into five Theater Command Air Forces (TCAF) and 24 air divisions. The largest operational units within the Aviation Corps is the air division, which has 2 to 3 aviation regiments, each with 20 to 36 aircraft. The surface-to-air missile (SAM) Corps is organised into SAM divisions and brigades. There are also three airborne divisions manned by the PLAAF. J-XX and XXJ are names applied by Western intelligence agencies to describe programs by the People's Republic of China to develop one or more fifth-generation fighter aircraft(Peoples Liberation army ground force)In total Chinese air force consists of 1693 fighter jets, 29 AEWACS, 174 transport aircraft, 66 helicopter,13 tankers

credit: forbes

*China consists of 250-260 nuclear missiles

*China consists of stealth based aircraft where as India does not have any of them

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