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Black Coffee as a pre-workout drink

                               credit: wikipedia

One of the most effective pre-workout drinks might surprise you. You don’t have to scoop it out of a bottle with a flashy label and mix it with water. All you have to do is stop by shop and buy a coffee powder, minus the sugar. It is important to have your pre-workout coffee black because adding sugar can lead to an interfere in your workout.

1) Helps in reducing fat- If you consume before exercise it will cause fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen. Also, the high amounts of caffeine in black coffee will increase your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories throughout the day. Having coffee before exercise increases the effect. 

2) Increases the focus- In addition to increased energy to push through tough workouts, black coffee provides an increase in focus as well. Improved focus and alertness will help keep workouts productive and effective.

3)Will decrease muscle pain- Researchers at the University of Illinois found that subjects who consumed coffee prior to exercise experienced less muscle pain during their workout than their non-caffeinated counterparts. The takeaway? You can complete more reps at a higher resistance during your weight training sessions, and run faster and longer during your cardio workouts.

4) Improvement in blood circulation- According to the Japanese researchers discovered a 30% boost in blood flow in participants who drank five ounces of regular coffee over a 75-minute period (versus those who consumed decaf). As doctors points out, improved blood circulation typically equates to improved oxygenation of your tissues, which can improve exercise performance.

5) Coffee improves endurance- According to a research, coffee can actually make your workout easier! The study concluded that caffeine can reduce your perceived level of exertion by more than 5%. 

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